Focusing on Parks, Trails & Greenspace in Fort Worth
Join Community Design Fort Worth for the second in a series of Urban Design Talks.

We had a great conversation about Parks, Trails and Greenspace on June 23rd, More information about the program can be found below -
Event Description
Do you LOVE your local park? Do you wish there were more bike trails in your community?
The topic of our June 23rd program will focus on the main topic we heard from Fort Worthians in our Community Vision Survey -- Parks, Trails & Greenspace.
Join us for a focused conversation on the Parks and Trails in Fort Worth! What is coming down the pipeline for our city? What can our citizens do to activate their community parks and green spaces? Find out at this next Urban Design Talk!
Join the conversation around:
The history of Fort Worth's planning efforts around Parks, Trails & Greenspace.
What Fort Worthians are saying about the public open spaces in our community.
The evolution of organizations like Streams & Valleys and plans like the Fort Worth Active Transportation Plan.
The focus of the City of Fort Worth's planning efforts around open space - and some of the difficulties around implementing these efforts.
The important choices being made between designing open spaces that are beautiful, functional, accessible, and that manage public funding well.
Resources and opportunities for planners and community organizers to influence our community's parks trails and greenspace.
What makes open space successful - why some spaces are used and others are not.
Innovative opportunities for Fort Worth's parks, trails & green spaces.
Wednesday, June 23, 2021, 5:30-7:00 pm
Tickets were "pay what you can" -- $20 suggested donation
$35 for CEU credit
(ASLA and AICP/APA Now approved!, pending confirmation of AIA CEUs)
Featured Speakers
Thank you to our sponsors!
About Urban Design Talks
CDFW Urban Design Talks are monthly chats for the community to learn, converse and grow in all things urban design. Talks will cover a broad list of topics including tiny homes, water & design, food deserts, the history of housing in Fort Worth, and so much more!
Stay tuned for some of our upcoming Design Talks...
About Community Design Fort Worth
Community Design | Fort Worth is a nonprofit organization with a mission to enhance the quality of life in Fort Worth communities by:
Serving as a resource for design and planning assistance
Engaging the public in dialogue about key issues and opportunities
Undertaking long-term visioning in anticipation of future challenges