Continuing our conversation about tools to address housing needs: Robert Steuteville discusses the idea of Pre-approved building plans.
"The nation faces a housing crisis, with a deficit of 2.3 homes nationwide pushing up prices in many markets—even in the nation’s heartland. “There is a gap between the supply of homes and the number of households that want homes,” and that gap is getting bigger, says Jennifer Krouse of Liberty House Plans.
A growing list of communities nationwide are starting to adopt pre-approved building plan programs to address that issue. Pre-approved building plans, sometimes called “pattern zones” if they are used in a specific area of the city, allow a city to greatly expedite permitting for a set group of designs—which often are based on the region's vernacular architecture. These programs are in their infancy and have little track record, but they appeal to local officials for several reasons, according to a webinar panel on Challenges in Pre-Approved Building Plans hosted by CNU’s On the Park Bench."